Wednesday, March 21, 2012

7 Important Things To Know Before Starting a Business

By: Emily Towns, EMT Capital Consultants
Starting a business is very difficult .You need to be prepared in a lot of cases to change your original plan in order to be successful. In today’s world many people set out to start their own business due to many different reasons and circumstances i.e.  to gain wealth, independence, follow their dreams, and many other reasons. However people quickly learn that starting and maintaining a  business requires more dedication, time and money than originally expected.  Many people decide it requires too much and go back to their 9 to 5.  I believe in order to be successful in anything, especially a start-up, the key is to PLAN.  Ask yourself these important questions and really think about your answers  in order to determine if starting a business is right for you.
  1. Why am I starting a business?
  2.  Am I prepared to spend the time, money and resources needed to get my business started?
  3.  How will I market my business?
  4. Who is my target market?
  5. Who is my competition?
  6. What is unique about my business idea and the products/services I will provide?
  7. What products/services will my business provide?
Answers to these questions are critical in the success of your business.   A business plan is a very important  step in planning. Many individuals give up on this important step and never start that business. My advice is to create a business plan and elicit help from friends, family, and professionals in order to complete it. A business plan prepares you for the ups and downs that come with starting a business. Remember what you put into your business determines how successful it will be!! 

Emily Towns is the founder of EMT Capital Marketing, a full service marketing consulting firm that will handle your marketing needs from beginning to end. Visit her website at

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